
Website for “Taxi Non Stop”

Taxi Non-Stop provides its service in Moscow. They are developing and improving their service. They contacted us because they care about convenience of online users. The task was to make it possible to order taxi online from the website and also to add other useful functions.
Development of an image website which has a modern design, contains information about a company and its service, with a possibility of ordering taxi online. Cooperation with the software of the client which performs cost calculation.
Bright design of the website attracts attention of clients, its simplicity and clarity of the content helps to understand functionality easily.
A lot of css-animations make the website “alive”.
Online form of an order allows clients to calculate time and cost of a trip depending from a date, time and kind of a car.
There are many useful functions at the website: language change, choosing the city, searching the website, log in and registration, back-call, calculation of cost, links to flights, date and time, the weather and situation with traffic jams.

Client’s review

Great work has been done, and as a result we have a powerful tool for our sales.
Artem Fadeev
Artem Fadeev
General director of a company “Taxi Non-stop”
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