
Mobile application “Recipes of healthy smoothies”
and web-application for its administrating

The project was developed together with Krucream Communications Agency, Latvia.

Develop a mobile application

on Android platform, which provides access to healthy recipes of smoothies for users, possibility to search by ingredients and add favorite recipes to bookmarks.
And also

develop the backend

, which will provide API for mobile applications and an account for administrating content of the application.
Mobile application
Work starts with a detailed analysis of a technical task, and design of each screen of an application.
After users start the application, they see the main screen with a slider and the list with categories of recipes. Menu is used for navigation.
Mobile application
Icons inside the recipe allow users to know time of preparing, its category and amount of calories in the drink.

Each recipe contains list of ingredients and step by step instruction how to cook it with pictures.

Use the search by ingredients to find the recipe you need.
Mobile application

Mobile application
Mobile application
You may choose the language of the application. After project was completed two languages were available: Russian and English. Add more languages, content for a new language you can in the web-application.
Mobile application
Mobile application
Mobile application
Mobile application


is the administrator’s account.

Administrator may add, edit and delete categories, ingredients, recipes, users, programs and send notifications with the help of the account.

All pages are filled in two languages
Web application
Web application
Web application
Web application
Web application
Web application
Mobile application
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